Update on the new coronavirus!

At last count, over 4,500 people have been infected with the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and 106 people have died in China. The majority of cases have been in the Hubei province of China (which includes Wuhan), followed by Guangdong, which was ground zero for the SARS-coronavirus. Awareness and prevention are our best defense, especially in the absence of a vaccine or a drug that can specifically stop the virus in its tracks. The more people engaging in prevention, the better our chances of preventing people-to-people spread. So, read this post and the previous one, please share with your friends, co-workers, and family, and leave comments and/or questions.

We are still in the midst of a Flu season. Click HERE to read more about FLU prevention (will protect you against the common cold as well). For information about the symptoms of the various deadly coronaviruses we have seen so far, please scroll down.

To find out HOW the various coronaviruses have been infectious to humans, please see below:

For additional information, including how these viruses find their way to infecting humans, read my previous blog post HERE. Hopefully, the lessons we have learned from battling SARS and MERS will help us contain this outbreak sooner rather than later. As with all infectious diseases, awareness and prevention is instrumental in avoiding being a statistic.